This is a basic test suite of various web technologies for the When Can I Use website.
It is used to quickly test basic support for features in upcoming browsers, rather than any full support of the feature's specification.
Results on this page generally match the results as they appear on the When Can I Use site, but may not always due to a variety of circumstances (test may pass but support is actually buggy, not tested well enough, has alternative method, etc).
Four different types of tests are used:
If you are interested in contributing tests you can contact me at: when (at) caniuse (dotcom).
Feature | chr13 | Tests |
Toolbar/context menu[Table] [Single feat] | ||
Audio element[Table] [Single feat] |
Autodocument.createElement('audio').canPlayType InteractAudio element with 6 different sources (with MIME set) InteractAudio element with 6 different sources (no MIME set) | |
CSS3 Background-image options[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "backgroundsize" Visual-squarebackground-clip: content-box; Visual-squarebackground-origin: content-box; Visual-squarebackground-size: 30px 30px; | |
CSS3 Border images[Table] [Single feat] | -pre- |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "borderimage" Visual-squareSeparate properties:
border-image-source: url(caniuse_files/green5x5.png);
border-image-slice: 2; Visual-squareShorthand syntax: border-image: url(caniuse_files/green5x5.png) 2; |
CSS3 Border-radius (rounded corners)[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "borderradius" Visual-square | |
Canvas (basic support)[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "canvas" Visual-squareDraw rect on canvas using fillStyle and fillRect | |
classList (DOMTokenList )[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto"classList" in document.body Visual-square | |
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing[Table] [Single feat] |
AutoInstant XHR request on page that should permit it. | |
CSS3 Animation[Table] [Single feat] | -pre- |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "cssanimations" Visual-squareanimation: staylime 60s infinite;
@keyframes staylime {
from { background-color: lime; }
to { background-color: lime; }
} |
CSS3 Box-shadow[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "boxshadow" Visual-squareMust be greenish, may not be entirely lime depending on the implementation. | |
CSS position:fixed[Table] [Single feat] |
InteractTest here | |
CSS Gradients[Table] [Single feat] | -pre- |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "cssgradients" Visual-squarelinear-gradient(lime, lime); Visual-squareradial-gradient(lime, lime) |
CSS3 Opacity[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "opacity" Visual-squareTest for opacity: 0
| |
CSS3 Text-shadow[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "textshadow" Visual![]() font-size: 25px;
color: white;
text-shadow: 25px 0 3px lime; position: relative;
left: -25px; Visual![]() Multiple shadow test | |
CSS3 Transitions[Table] [Single feat] | -pre- |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "csstransitions" InteractGreen square must (briefly) appear on hover 5 second transition from left to right using cubic-bezier(0, 1, 1, 0); |
CSS3 Colors[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "hsla" Visual-squareVisual-square | |
dataset & data-* attributes[Table] [Single feat] |
AutoTest for 'dataset' in document.body and getting the correct value returned from a data-foo attribute. InteractTest here | |
Details & Summary elements[Table] [Single feat] |
AutoInteract(summary button)(detail contents) "(detail contents)" should be visible ONLY after clicking summary Basic details element with summary and paragraph as children. | |
Server-sent DOM events[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto | |
File API[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto | |
Flexible Box Layout Module[Table] [Single feat] | -pre- |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "flexbox" |
@font-face Web fonts[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "fontface" | |
Geolocation[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "geolocation" AutoTest for getCurrentPosition, watchPosition and clearWatch in navigator.geolocation InteractMust provide LAT and LON info (may need to give permission first) Test for navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition on which position.coords.latitude and position.coords.longitude are expected. | |
getElementsByClassName[Table] [Single feat] |
AutoVisual-squareTest if two divs were correctly retrieved using getElementsByClassName | |
Hashchange event[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "hashchange" Visual-squareiframe with addEventListener('hashchange', function() { = 'lime';
}, false);
| |
Session history management[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "history" AutoTest if history.pushState was successful | |
IndexedDB[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "indexeddb" | |
JSON parsing[Table] [Single feat] |
AutoAutoCreate a JS object, convert to JSON string, convert back to object and compare. | |
CSS3 Multiple backgrounds[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "multiplebgs" Visual-squarebackground-repeat: repeat-x;
background-image: url(caniuse_files/green5x5.png), url(caniuse_files/green5x5.png), url(caniuse_files/green5x5.png), url(caniuse_files/green5x5.png), url(caniuse_files/green5x5.png), url(caniuse_files/green5x5.png);
background-position: 0 0, 0 5px, 0 10px, 0 15px, 0 20px, 0 25px; | |
CSS3 Multiple column layout[Table] [Single feat] | -pre- |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "csscolumns" Visual-squarecolumn-width: 15px;
column-gap: 0; |
Web Storage - name/value pairs[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "localstorage" AutoTest if getItem, setItem and removeItem work. | |
Web Notifications[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto | |
Offline web applications[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "applicationcache" | |
querySelector/querySelectorAll[Table] [Single feat] |
AutoAutoquerySelector test on selector '[data-foo=bar] + *' AutoquerySelectorAll test on selector '[data-foo=bar] + *' | |
SVG (basic support)[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "svg" Visual-squareSVG in <object> | |
SVG effects for HTML[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual![]() Text must appear blurry SVG with feGaussianBlur filter on foreignObject | |
Inline SVG in HTML5[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "inlinesvg" Visual-square | |
SVG SMIL animation[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "smil" Visual-squareSVG with animate element inside a rect | |
Touch events[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "touch" | |
CSS3 Transforms[Table] [Single feat] | -pre- |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "csstransforms" Visual-squaretransform: translate(30px); |
CSS3 3D Transforms[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "csstransforms3d" Visual-squareParent:
perspective: 600;
perspective-origin: 0 200px;
transform: translate3d(-234px, 0, 0) rotate3d(0, 1, 0, -70deg); | |
Video element[Table] [Single feat] |
AutoInteractVideo with controls and all three formats available. InteractVideo with controls and all three formats available (with MIME). | |
Web Sockets[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "websockets" | |
Web Workers[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "webworkers" AutoCreate a new Worker using new Worker('worker.js');
Then, test postMessage and onmessage event. | |
Cross-document messaging[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "postmessage" | |
XMLHttpRequest 2[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto | |
XHTML served as application/xhtml+xml[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto | |
CSS Generated content[Table] [Single feat] |
- ![]() Element with CSS:
#gencontent:before {
content: 'A';
#gencontent:after {
content: 'Z';
} | |
CSS Table display[Table] [Single feat] |
![]() Should be 2x2 table | |
HTML5 form features[Table] [Single feat] |
Visualdate/time/range/number widgets | |
MathML[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual![]() | |
PNG alpha transparency[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual![]() ![]() | |
Ruby annotation[Table] [Single feat] |
![]() Elements should be stacked on top of each other | |
SVG filters[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual![]() Visual-squareMust be green (not lime) SVG with <feColorMatrix type="hueRotate" values="120"/> Visual-squareSVG with <feFlood flood-color="lime"/> | |
CSS3 Word-wrap[Table] [Single feat] |
Text should wrap Visualabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Text should overflow box Visual-squareword-wrap: break-word; | |
calc() as CSS unit value[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual-squarewidth: calc(10px + 20px); Visual-squareheight: calc(60px - 100%);
width: calc((100% / 2) + 15px - 0.5em);
border-right: calc(0.5em) solid lime; | |
CSS Grid Layout[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual-squareGrid with two columns, two rows and three elements taking up space. | |
CSS3 Media Queries[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual-square | |
CSS 2.1 selectors[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual-squareTest for child ( > )selector Visual-squareAdjacent sibling selector test ( + ) Visual-squareAttribute selector ( [role="none"] ) | |
CSS3 Box-sizing[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual-square | |
Data URLs[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual-squarediv with data URL as background image | |
New semantic elements[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual-squaresection, article, aside, hgroup, header, footer, nav tested for default "block" style. | |
CSS inline-block[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual-square | |
CSS min/max-width/height[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual-squareVisual-squareVisual-squareVisual-square | |
CSS3 object-fit/object-position[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual-square![]() object-fit: contain Visual-square![]() object-position: 30px 30px; | |
rem (root em) units[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual-squarespan with single character and font-size: 5rem; | |
SVG in CSS backgrounds[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual-square | |
SVG in HTML img element[Table] [Single feat] |
Visual-square | |
contenteditable attribute (basic support)[Table] [Single feat] |
InteractThis element should be editable. Div element with attribute contenteditable="true" | |
CSS3 selectors[Table] [Single feat] |
InteractTest here | |
Drag and Drop[Table] [Single feat] |
InteractTest here | |
WAI-ARIA Accessibility features[Table] [Single feat] | ||
Text API for Canvas[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "canvastext" | |
WebGL - 3D Canvas graphics[Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "webgl" Visual-square | |
SVG fonts[Table] [Single feat] |
VisualWindsong font ![]() | |
TTF/OTF - TrueType and OpenType font support[Table] [Single feat] |
VisualWindsong font ![]() OTF font test VisualWindsong font ![]() TTF font test | |
WOFF - Web Open Font Format[Table] [Single feat] |
VisualWindsong font ![]() | |
Progress & Meter[Table] [Single feat] |
VisualProgress and meter widgets at 50% | |
Datalist element[Table] [Single feat] |
InteractShow "foo" and "foobar" as options when "f" is entered | |
Form validation[Table] [Single feat] |
InteractForm should show warning and NOT submit | |
MPEG-4/H.264 video format[Table] [Single feat] |
AutoInteractVideo, no MIME, no type attribute. InteractVideo with source element InteractVideo with source element and MIME set | |
Ogg/Theora video format[Table] [Single feat] |
AutoInteractVideo, no MIME, no type attribute. InteractVideo with source element and MIME set InteractVideo with source element | |
WebM/VP8 video format[Table] [Single feat] |
AutoInteractVideo, no MIME, no type attribute. InteractVideo with source element InteractVideo with source element and MIME set | |
Animated PNG (APNG) [unoff][Table] [Single feat] |
AutoTest for second frame using Canvas element Visual![]() Must animate | |
CSS Canvas Drawings [unoff][Table] [Single feat] | -pre- |
Auto'getCSSCanvasContext' in document |
CSS Reflections [unoff][Table] [Single feat] | -pre- |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "cssreflections" Visual-square |
Web SQL Database [unoff][Table] [Single feat] |
Auto (m)Modernizr test for: "websqldatabase" | |
Stream API [unoff][Table] [Single feat] |
AutoTest for "getUserMedia" in navigator object | |
CSS Masks [unoff][Table] [Single feat] | -pre- |
Visual![]() mask-image: url(caniuse_files/alpha.png); |
CSS3 Text-overflow [unoff][Table] [Single feat] |
Should end with ellipsis text-overflow: ellipsis; | |
CSS text-stroke [unoff][Table] [Single feat] | -pre- |
green stroked text
![]() text-stroke: 2px lime; |
EOT - Embedded OpenType fonts [unoff][Table] [Single feat] |
VisualWindsong font ![]() | |
XHTML+SMIL animation [unoff][Table] [Single feat] |
Most tests by Alexis Deveria, additional contributions by Paul Irish